Have you ever found yourself reaching for that extra slice of bread or indulging in a snack just an hour after lunch, even though you’re not really hungry? It’s a common struggle, one that often feels like an uncontrollable urge, driven by something deeper than physical hunger. But what if those impulses were more than just bad habits or weak willpower? What if they were signals from different parts of ourselves, parts that need attention and care? 

In today’s episode, we explore how identifying these underlying emotional triggers can transform the way we approach food and decision-making. By learning to pause, check in with ourselves, and ask, “Who’s really hungry?” we can begin to make choices from a place of empowerment rather than compulsion. Join us as our guest, Michelle dives into the life-changing practice of mindful self-awareness and parts work to regain control over our choices.

Michelle Chalfant has a master’s in counseling and she opened a private practice, wanting solutions for her own challenges and helping others going through the same thing. But as she practiced, she felt something was still missing.

So, she allowed her curiosity to lead her to amazing mentors, books, classes and methods across spirituality and psychology. Her training includes energy medicine, meridian therapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), PSYCH-K, chakra balancing, meditation, intuition, and yoga. And finally, while studying under very wise teachers, she developed The Adult Chair model, which has helped thousands of people gain awareness, freedom and discover their truest selves.

Today, she’s combined 25 years of seeking and studying to give her clients a roadmap for a happy, peaceful and powerful life. Her practical tools and integrated, experiential approach will help one uncover and heal old wounds, remove one’s mask and guide one toward his most authentic self — which will lead to better relationships, reduced stress and true happiness and joy.

“What I see that happens with people more than anything is they become what I call soul aligned. They start tapping into and touching into, and even prior to this coaching program, they start touching and tapping into their divine purpose.” – Michelle Chalfant

What you will learn from this episode:

03:49 – Sharing her personal journey of using food as a way to cope with emotional chaos from childhood

08:41 – Visualizing herself as a damaged package showing the deep emotional pain and self-perception she carried inside

11:40 – That the pivotal moment for her  and how she developed the “Adult Chair” model

18:20 – What an ‘Adult Chair’ model is about and its five pillars

19:45 – Addressing this emotional block through self-love and re-parenting to release old patterns, find peace, and become more compassionate with oneself

24:29 – How clients experience profound transformation as they transition from the adolescent to the adult chair, becoming more aligned with their true purpose

35:53 – Looking at triggers as a gift and how quantum parts work

39:01 –  True change requires subconscious work, action, and setting boundaries

45:50 – Using parts work to manage emotional eating by asking, “Who’s hungry?” 

49:40 – The importance of pausing to identify the underlying emotional triggers behind impulsive behaviors

51:07 – Check out Michelle’s offer with a promo code HEAL:  https://courses.theadultchair.com/the-academy-of-awakening

Connect with Michelle Chalfant: 


Valuable Resources:

Connect With Leslie Thornton:

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