Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food, body image, and weight, yet never feeling satisfied with the results? Many people struggle with the emotional and mental weight of food issues, and after years of restrictive dieting or exercising, they feel stuck—like their “weight loss software” is outdated and malfunctioning.

The problem isn’t just the inability to keep the weight off. It’s the endless mental chatter about what to eat, how to look, and the guilt that comes with every decision. You’ve spent so much time caring for others—your family, your career—yet when it comes to your own needs, they often fall to the bottom of the list. Meanwhile, your health suffers, stress builds up, and life seems to slip away, one unaddressed issue at a time. How many years will you continue to put off taking care of yourself?

The solution is not another diet or exercise program. It’s about upgrading your mindset, allowing yourself to invest in what truly matters: your health, your happiness, and ultimately, your freedom. When you update your “weight loss software,” you learn to trust your instincts, manage your emotions, and let go of the guilt. This transformation doesn’t just change your relationship with food—it changes your life. And the best part? It starts with the decision to prioritize you. 

“I wanna invite you to stop judging yourself. Stop making yourself wrong and bad for not staying consistent and for why can’t I do this? And what’s wrong with me? That is such a disempowering state. It has nothing to do with you. It just has to do with the fact that you don’t know what you don’t know. You don’t know that there’s a way to think differently about something. You don’t know that there can be joy in stress. You don’t know that there can be happiness every single day of your life. But you can’t get that unless you take action, unless you do something different.” – Leslie Thornton 

What you will learn from this episode:

01:03 – Leslie touching on a common struggle of most people with weight management and motivation, particularly the cyclical nature of diets and lifestyle changes

07:19 – Exploring the challenges many face in breaking free from unhealthy cycles related to diet, emotional eating, and self-criticism

15:37 – Reframing challenges as natural consequences of focusing on bigger priorities

21:11 – Insights into the value of investing in high-ticket coaching and the transformative impact it can have on personal and professional growth

23:54 – Sharing a personal and client-focused reflection on the power of investing in coaching and trusting one’s intuition in making significant decisions

30:19 – Sharing a personal story about a significant investment she made in a high-ticket coaching program and how it led her to an entirely new network of people

35:30 – Addressing the importance of investing in oneself, particularly when it comes to health and emotional well-being

Valuable Resources:

Connect With Leslie Thornton:

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