Have you ever felt like you’re constantly striving but still not feeling aligned with who you truly are? Whether it’s your body image, your relationships, or your overall sense of self-worth, many people find themselves stuck in a cycle of self-criticism and external validation. As women especially, we’ve been conditioned to meet certain standards, often neglecting our own needs and desires in the process. But what happens when we don’t give ourselves permission to be authentic, and how does that impact our health and happiness?

Suppressing your true self can lead to more than just emotional discomfort—it can take a toll on your physical well-being. When we prioritize others’ expectations over our own needs, we can find ourselves disconnected, not only from those around us but from our own bodies. This disconnection can affect our relationships, self-confidence, and even contribute to unhealthy behaviors like emotional eating. Worse, long-term suppression of emotions and lack of self-expression can lead to chronic stress, which may result in serious health issues. Without addressing this disconnect, the cycle continues, leaving us feeling stuck and powerless. 

Tess’s journey is a testament to how a disconnected life makes herself disempowered. But once she learned to embrace her authentic self and changed her mindset, that became a gamechanger for her and that’s when her healing happened.

And that healing starts with permission—permission to be yourself, to explore your emotions, and to live in alignment with your true desires. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool in achieving this empowerment, helping you access the deeper layers of your mind to reprogram limiting beliefs and break free from old patterns. By taking ownership of your emotional health, setting boundaries, and exploring methods like hypnosis, you can rewrite the way you engage with yourself and others. Tune in to today’s episode with Tess and learn how giving yourself this permission and utilizing tools like hypnosis can lead to lasting empowerment and authentic self-love.

“It’s amazing how our lives would change when we give ourselves permission, permission to explore the feeling, permission to dive deep, permission to eat if you are hungry, permission to wear that outfit because you like it. It’s the overarching surprise element for empowering myself.” – Tess

What you will learn from this episode:

01:51 – Tess’s transformative journey from feeling isolated and frustrated with weight struggles to finding empowerment, self-acceptance, and emotional healing

12:57 – Admitting her fear of failure and feelings of disempowerment but ultimately trusting the coach to guide her through the process

14:44 – Encouraging others to explore their fear of failure as the program helps shift that mindset and focus on internal growth rather than fear of failure

19:54 – How her insecurities during menopause affected her intimacy and self-perception and realizing that her negative self-image did not reflect how her partner viewed her

25:55 -Sharing a crucial part of healing and reclaiming self-confidence

30:23 – The way we engage with ourselves influences how others interact with us, emphasizing the importance of self-love, setting boundaries, and healing from within

32:20 – Sharing the most beautiful surprise from the program: Empowerment that came from giving herself permission to explore her feelings, embrace her desires, and rediscover her true self beyond external factors like weight

Valuable Resources:

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