Ep 243 Is your destiny healing your relationship with food?

When we talk of one’s transformative journey with regard to food issues, we consider authenticity. Because when we speak of the intricate relationship between individuals and food, it’s never far behind. In this episode Leslie shares her personal...

Ep 242 Weight Loss Drugs

In one’s pursuit of weight loss, you may find yourself desperate for quick fixes. And in one’s longing to get the desired result as fast as you can, one is lured to get something that promises instant transformation. For the time being, it can be...

Ep 241 Meet Tina Moser!

In times of hardship, it’s tempting to avoid the difficult tasks and opt for the easy way out. However, this often leads us away from achieving our goals. We tend to make excuses and justify our actions, only to realize that we are the ones hindering our own...

Ep 240 Eating sweets without guilt and shame!

Do you want to spend your life running away from sweets, only to end up feeling exhausted? Or do you want to break free from the cycle of avoiding the reality of weight loss and confront your food fears once and for all? In today’s episode we delve into the...

Ep 239 Client Testimonial-Meet Anne!

In our search for holistic wellness, we often encounter challenges that go beyond physical health. Anne’s story laid out a profound transformation that can occur when one embarks on a path of emotional healing and self-discovery. Through her candid reflections,...

Ep 238 Meet Ali Daniel of Punchdrunksoul.com

Ep 238 Meet Ali Daniel of Punchdrunksoul.com Life can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with a serious illness. It may feel like you’re doing everything you can to get better, but the results aren’t coming as quickly as you’d like. Challenges...