The Girl Scout Cookie Diet

It’s that time of year again when we Americans get pleasantly reminded that we ordered 7 boxes of Girl Scout cookies 3 months ago by being presented with 7 BOXES OF GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! 😛 It also happens to be in March, just around the time that you start thinking...

The MOST important topic to study: YOURSELF

Want to be rich? Not sure what to study to get a degree that will take you there? NEWSFLASH: Only YOU can take YOU there! Take the time and energy to study and work on yourself–mind, body, spirit, and get the quickest ticket to success and happiness! Ways to study...

14 Questions to ask yourself in order to truly understand your feelings

∗ What are you really feeling right now? ∗ What is the origin of that feeling? ∗ What can you learn from those feelings? What are they trying to tell you? ∗ What do you choose right now? ∗ Why does that feel bad? ∗ What are you really holding on to? ∗ What exactly are...

Half Marathon for Dummies (written by a former half marathon dummy)

Seems to be the latest trend! Half marathons!  Here’s a step-by-step for how to prepare! 1) Makes sure the idea of running a half marathon actually appeals to you.  When my friend Jacqui suggested running the Lake Placid Half Marathon and starting to train, I just...